Here’s a bit about me, and if you’d like to go on a date, submit your info at the end.
If we match, I’ll just ask out—let’s find out if we vibe IRL!
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Age 26 years old
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Height 5’ 9” (on a good day) 5’ 8.75” (purportedly)
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Location Williamsburg, NYC
Previously, I lived in Boston for 6 years. I grew up in Minneapolis.
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Interested in Women
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Relationship type I’m ****most interested in a long-term relationship.
I’m open to casual connections, so long as we both clearly communicate our intentions and investment (and politely part ways if those are misaligned).
Pictured: man attempting to correct farmer’s tan
I love to run, practice yoga, and lift slightly heavy objects.
I love the solitude of running at night*, and feeling in the zone vibing to EDM.
(*Recognizing, I’m privileged for this to be possible/safe.)
Running with other people is great, too, for different reasons. The shared energy of running like pack animals and briefly swarming past some poor pedestrians is also, regrettably, intoxicating!
I’ve also tried my hand at salsa and bachata, though that comes less naturally to me and was more motivated as a “let’s do something really uncomfortable that seems cool!” thing. (Any recs for studios in NYC?)
From the running playlist
I love the satisfaction from concocting an elegant solution to a complex problem.
Maybe that’s my 4th grade sketching an airport terminal layout. Maybe that’s me designing and building the user experience of Gathers. Maybe that’s creating an essential Notion setup. Maybe that’s writing some prose on a “date me” site. Maybe that’s designing an elegant software architecture that almost no one in the world will see… I live for it all.
The fam 🙂
My name poses pitfalls.